As we expand the Gaming Community, Legions have been setup to facilitate large amounts of community members to keep it organized as the list of games we play together grows.
There are 5 Legion Commanders with 2 Officers per Legion giving 10 Officers total.
Each Legions Commander and Officers will Communicate with WPG HQ. This will help organize and activate the overall plans for the WolfPack Gaming Community.
Through Legion Applications you can check to see what legions have openings and join the Legion of your choice.

⚡Rank | Alpha [ Leader ]⚡
Alpha [Leader] - Alpha rank Organizes plus facilitates Games & Community.
Invite players to join the Clan
Accept and decline requests to join the Clan
Promote and demote up to Beta Members [Co-leaders]
Demote themselves as Leader and give leadership to a Co-leader.
Can start Clan War and decide who participates in it.
Can Decide what games WolfPack Gaming will play as a clan.
Can Create and Manage Alliances.

⚡Rank | Beta [ CO-LEADER ]⚡
Beta [Co-Leader] - Beta rank . Second in command and organizes the clan while enforcing the community rules when the current alpha is not present.
Invite players to the Clan
Accept players into the Clan
Promote and demote Clan Roles & Ranks
Promote up to new Gamma Members
Kick out Clan Members
Can start Clan Event on the WolfPack Gaming Discord Community.
Can start Clan War and decide who participates in it.
Can Decide what games WolfPack Gaming will play as a group.
Can create and manage Alliances.

⚡Rank | Gamma [ Officer ]⚡
Gamma [Officer] - Gamma rank . Help the Alpha and Beta with organizing and running WpG on Different games.
Invite players to join the Clan
Accept players into the Clan
Can start a Clan Event on the WolfPack Gaming Discord Community.
Can start a Clan War and decide who participates in it.

⚡Rank | Sigma [ Member ]⚡
Sigma [Member] - Sigma rank . Basic member responsibilities follow tasks given by higher ranks.
Sigma Rank will automatically give you Member status.
Can join clan Activities
Can Participate in WolfPack Gaming Discord Community.